Friday, November 19, 2010


That's right friends. I made it to Paris. Safe and smoothly!

I arrived on thursday and promptly hit the streets, doing some touristy things of course. Eiffel tower, Arc de Triumph... chose comme ca (things like that). I can say, having done this before... it wasn't as breath taking... plus I was EXHAUSTED. But of course, as I tried to grasp where I was, Paris' charm rubbed off on me. I could do without all of the steps. My glutes hate me. Today included the Sacre-Coeur, walks to Notre Dame and Pompidou... and hours of explorations the Louvre. Let's just say there were lots of steps. And the way Mona Lisa looked at me, she knew that. That biatch. JK. JK.

While Paris is the most lovely city I've ever known... homeless people are a plenty. At every touristy sight there are people begging or trying to sell you crap. "No sir, I don't want to buy that light up Eiffel Tower. And please do not call me Lady Gaga." I just want to enjoy WHERE I am, not try to run away from you after saying NO 600 times...... BUT... here's the thing: I know that I can't give every homeless person something, I'd be broke. But my heart is wrenching because I want to see these people restored. It has been hard being here, cause I SEE all these people, I really SEE them. And my heart is so burdened because I know that there are SOOOO MANY people here that don't know Jesus as their LORD. I have been praying for people I see on the Metro and all the beggars. And I've been praying for Jesus to just TAKE PARIS!

I have struggled, thinking, "If I really had mercy and compassion, I would do SOMETHING!" But I was reminded of when Jesus healed the cripple at the pool of Bethesda. There were plenty of people that needed healing there (that's where you went to get a chance to get healed). But Jesus only healed the one. And then he left. I know that Jesus is mercy and is compassion. But I don't think that we would call only healing the one mercy and compassion. So, I thought who am I to judge, thinking my prayers wont do much, who am I to doubt my mercy and compassion. God showed me that my heart is full and brimming with compassion and care for people. What a treat to hear that from the almighty.

So God is doing great things in me and in a few days we are going to bring those things to Le Gault!!!!

I am staying in a hostel for a few days. While sleeping last night, I woke up not really knowing where I was. I woke up abruptly, sitting up quickly. Not realizing that I was on a bottom bunk... causing me to hit my head on the metal. Ouchie.
I was so thirsty last night, so I decided to pay freakin' 2euro for a bottle of water in a vending machine. It got stuck. It is still stuck. Grrr.

Some of my favorite things to do in Paris are things that make you feel parisian. Like grocery shopping and cruising through the metro like it's nothing. I know that's weird, but I like to feel like a local and pretend it's where I live. Plus a bought some Nuetella.... gah *drooling* I had some Pain du Chocolat and Crepes Chocolat....

Well, that is about it for now... a bientot!!!

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