My attitude for the holidays was certainly not "bah humbug" nor "YIPPEEEE!". I find that I was kind of "meh" this holiday season. I didn't actually buy a lot of gifts and didn't do so until the 23rd :/ It was just pretty uneventful. My mom was working on Christmas day, so our festivities went down on the Eve. We dined at the ever classy "Applebee's", which I have dubed over and over again "mediocre". Once again it received that title. And we played wii... which was interesting to say the least. "Family feud" to be exact, and it was just that.
Christmas day was chill and I like that. I got a new pair of Nike's and one-piece jammies.... oh and a gift certificate to Target (My most favorite store). And that's all that I asked for and I was happy. The one-piece jammies were the best! I love them!!!!

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