Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ten Ten Ten

Yep. Folks, that's right. Today is 10/10/10.

Wow. God amazes me. He is so GOOD. When I take a look at this world and what big deals it makes, I laugh. But I also feel so sad, because some people have nothing to live for more than what this world has to offer. John 10:10 say that we can have LIFE and have it more abundantly. Jesus is kind of like rain-x in my life, when the dreadful rains of life come, they just roll right off and don't damage me. I am protected from the worries of life because of Christ (Matthew 6).
Now instead of being concerned with the world's pressure to be beautiful, successful, perfect, powerful, and driven in my own power... I am those things, just because I am His child. He is beautiful, successful, perfect, powerful, and driven; and HE is my inheritance. Just because Christ is my daddy. How cool is that?
When I live in this reality, I find myself at an unspeakable peace. I experience true peace. You can too.

*sigh of content*,

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