Monday, April 25, 2011
The Facewitter
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Dialogue with a 4 year old.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I recently read this in an article called "More than Damaged Goods" on It really struck a cord with me, and I would like to share part of it...
"It turns out that God is faithful to turn the worst things that happen in our lives into good if we dare to trust Him. He has an amazing capacity to turn human pain and weakness into strength, ugliness into beauty and our failures into foundations to build on. The Bible calls this redemption.
Redemption is about our Creator processing the wounds of our lives, the scars on our faces, the evils we have endured and turning them into an even grander story of grace. That means God takes what should have destroyed us and does more than fix it—He redeems it."
I tend to get super stressed out/ guilt ridden/ and super remorseful when I screw up big time. When I feel like a failure, I go all out. But, after reading this... I feel like when I make some mistakes.... it's okay. Because that is where God's redemption comes into play, where his true MERCY and GRACE are activated. The consequences of my little effed up choices are where I really need Jesus. But does that mean we should sin to receive grace? The bible says NO way! But when you do, He's there.
You don't even have to go through a period of guilt. Just go get GRACE right away. No sin is too big for God, you could never negate the LOVE that Jesus did on the cross.
Ending this post with a "Jesus is pretty much AWESOME."